
Case Alva

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This is Klara


17 years old


Lives in Stockholm, Sweden


Attends high school


Active water polo player


Lives a normal life with her friends and family


But something is a bit different…


Diagnosed with diabetes type 1 at age 1,5 years, which changes her life completely compared to most of us!

Wouldn’t it be great if we could help Klara live a life very much like everyone else? It’s up to us!

To understand why we need interoperability on a Nordic, European or even global level we have a real world case:


Klara, as you know has diabetes.

But what is “diabetes” exactly?

Lets ask Klara

If you don’t get the best care, diabetes can have severe long- and short term consequences.

Klara explains


Meet “future” Alva


Alva is a diabetes patient, just like Klara, but she is living some time into the future when cross border mobility have become a reality.


Let’s look at some of the challenges they might have – today with Klara and in the future with Alva…

What is it like to travel with diabetes today compared to how it will work in the future?

Let´s ask Klara and Alva


What would Alva´s experience be?


When planning a trip


Alva knows she har access to international medical prescriptions where and whenever she needs it


Inventory over personal medical equipment is digitally accessible


Her app gives her access to list over local prescription and equipment providers

What if something would happen abroad?

Klara and Alva explains


What would Alva´s experience be?


When an emergency occurs abroad


Constant access to medical records across the Nordics


Access to test results and medical history


Access to primary clinic in case of emergency or unclear medical condition

What if there’s something wrong with your medical equipment?

Klara and Alva fills us in


What would Alva´s experience be?


When equipment fails


Access to pan-Nordic medical prescription


Overview over compatible equipment and local service centers


Access to medication via local pharmacies


Video consultation with own doctor if needed

What if you want to study abroad or go on a long trip?

Let’s hear from Klara and Alva


What would Alva´s experience be?


Studying abroad for longer time


Safe video consultations online


Share measurements online


Avoid traveling for routine consultations

What would make your life easier?

Klara answers

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What would make your life easier Klara?

Quite simple wishes


Share my data with my doctor over Skype or similar


Be able to go into any pharmacy and get the what she needs


It’s up to us!

Diabetes affects more than just the patient itself

Klara’s family, school, friends and teammates have to deal with diabetes too


Project Alva

Our goal

To enable patients to live and act in an open, seamless, cross-border healthcare ecosystem, by showcasing world class solutions and innovations from the Nordics.

Lets bridge the pain points of today with the solutions of tomorrow and make sure Klara can live the life of Alva in the foreseeable future.

Join Case Alva and let us make it happen!